npn- Transistor Operation
forward bias
Figure 1: The forward-biased junction in an npn transistorThe emitter, which is the first letter in the npn sequence, is connected to the negative side of the battery while the base, which is the second letter (npn), is connected to the positive side. However, since the second pn- junction is required to be reverse biased for proper transistor operation, the collector must be connected to an opposite polarity voltage (positive) than that indicated by its letter designation (npn). The voltage on the collector must also be more positive than the base, as shown beside:
We now have a properly biased npn transistor.
In summary, the base of the npn transistor must be positive with respect to the emitter, and the collector must be more positive than the base.
reverse bias
forward bias
Figure 2: The junctions in an npn transistor.npn forward-biased junction
An important point to bring out at this time, which was not necessarily mentioned during the explanation of the diode, is the fact that the n- material on one side of the forward-biased junction is more heavily doped than the p material. This results in more current being carried across the junction by the majority carrier electrons from the n- material than the majority carrier holes from the p material. Therefore, conduction through the forward-biased junction, as shown in figure 3, is mainly by majority carrier electrons from the n- material (emitter).
hole flow
electron flow
Bild 3: Strom durch den pn- Übergang in Durchlasspolungnpn reverse-biased junction
hole flow
Figure 4: The reverse-biased junction in an npn transistor.flow
npn- junction interaction
The bias batteries in the figure 5 have been labeled VCC for the collector voltage supply, and VBB for the base voltage supply. Also notice the base supply battery is quite small, as indicated by the number of cells in the battery, usually 1 volt or less. However, the collector supply is generally much higher than the base supply, normally around 6 volts. This difference in supply voltages is necessary to have current flow from the emitter to the collector.
hole flow
Figure 5: npn transistor operation is basically the action of a relatively
small emitter-base bias voltage controlling a relatively large emitter-to-collector current.The electrons that recombine are lost as far as the collector is concerned. Therefore, to make the transistor more efficient, the base region is made very thin and lightly doped. This reduces the opportunity for an electron to recombine with a hole and be lost. Thus, most of the electrons that move into the base region come under the influence of the large collector reverse bias. This bias acts as forward bias for the minority carriers (electrons) in the base and, as such, accelerates them through the base-collector junction and on into the collector region. Since the collector is made of an n-type material, the electrons that reach the collector again become majority current carriers. Once in the collector, the electrons move easily through the n material and return to the positive terminal of the collector supply battery VCC as collector current (IC).
To further improve on the efficiency of the transistor, the collector is made physically larger than the base for two reasons: (1) to increase the chance of collecting carriers that diffuse to the side as well as directly across the base region, and (2) to enable the collector to handle more heat without damage.
IE = IB + IC
In simple terms this means that the emitter current is separated into base and
collector current. Since the amount of current leaving the emitter is solely a function of
the emitter-base bias, and because the collector receives most of this current, a small
change in emitter-base bias will have a far greater effect on the magnitude of collector
current than it will have on base current. In conclusion, the relatively small
emitter-base bias controls the relatively large emitter-to-collector current.
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