Wednesday, 27 June 2018


One way to do this is add an onclick method to your form to initiate the javascript containing the alert.

Mouse Over To select radio button or same like

Hi fried's normally what happens there some time we create forms for cust. cust required fast fill form fast so only mouse over to select an option. Code using JavaScript ------------------------------------------

 select MAC Plus tech 

code >>

<span id="radio-buttons">
    <input checked="check" class="tryout" name="example" type="radio" />
select   <input class="tryout" name="example" type="radio" />
  MAC  <input class="tryout" name="example" type="radio" />Plus
    <input class="tryout" name="example" type="radio" />tech
document.getElementById("radio-buttons").onmouseover = function (e) { = true;

  - Kishor M Sonawane

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Pen-drive or Any Drive Virus Remove Using MAC+ tech tool

Pen-drive or Any  Drive Virus Remove Using MAC+ tech tool 

 MAC+tech Create Small Product For Remove  Pen drive Viruses And Worms as well as Drive Viruses / Solve Auto Hidden Files Problem  Follow Following steps ...

DOWNLOAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 1 >> Download the file Click Here....
               (here open Drive and Download Option Available)

Step 2>>  Downloaded file (.zip ) Extract and Save On your Computer 
   how to use ??

  just copy MAC+tech.exe  (tool) Paste on Affected Drive And Run it (Double Click).

*Note: Tool Copy On Affected Drive then Run tool... 

*Software is Command line Based GUI Based Software Come Within some Day's......

 thank You For Using MAC+tech Services 

-Kishor M Sonawane

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Arduino Remote Light

Program Def: Create program glow light using wireless media .
 two CKT two Arduino
                      one connected LED
                      another Connected Button
                     Each Arduino Connecrted Bluetooth HC-05 SETUP

One as Master Another As Slave :  

Load This Program For Config Bluetooth 
// note : pin cong: 
     BT     Arduino
    Tx         10
   RX         11

   VCC        5v
   Gnd        Gnd

  EN          3.3v or pin 9 (for program)

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 11); // RX | TX

void setup()
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);  // this pin will pull the HC-05 pin 34 (key pin) HIGH to switch module to AT mode
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  Serial.println("Enter AT commands:");
  BTSerial.begin(38400);  // HC-05 default speed in AT command more

void loop()
 // Serial.println("in LOop");
  // Keep reading from HC-05 and send to Arduino Serial Monitor
  if (BTSerial.available())
   // Serial.println(;
     // Serial.println("in avl...");
  // Keep reading from Arduino Serial Monitor and send to HC-05
  if (Serial.available())

Salve :
Write TTL Command
 AT+RMAAD (clear any paired devices)
AT+ROLE=0 (set as slave)
 AT+ADDR (Return H/w address remember it)
AT+UART=38400,0,0 (To fix the baud rate at 38400)

Master :
AT+ROLE=1 (set it as master)
AT+CMODE=0 (To connect the module to the specified Bluetooth address and this Bluetooth address can be specified by the binding command)
 AT+BIND=xxxx,xx,xxxxxx ( XXXXXXXXXXXX Contain slave address)
 AT+UART=38400,0,0 (To fix the baud rate at 38400)


// note : pin cong  (Both Arduinos): 
     BT     Arduino
    Tx         0
   RX         1

   VCC        5v
   Gnd        Gnd




Android 1 (Button Site)
// Button Coding ...

//this is master

//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 11);

const int buttonPin = 2;
int buttonState = 1;

void setup() 
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(buttonPin, HIGH);

void loop()
 // send Signal to Second Arduino.... for glow LED
 buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
 if (buttonState == LOW)



LED Site (Arduino 2)


#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//SoftwareSerial BTSerial(2, 3);

int data = 0;
const int led = 8;
int flag=0;

void setup() 
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);
void loop() 
 if(Serial.available() > 0)

    data =; // incoming data i.e 1
   if(data==1 && flag==0)
   else if(data==1 && flag==1)

  if (flag == '1' ) 
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // LED ON
  data = 0;
 else if (flag == '0') 
  digitalWrite(led, LOW); // LED ON
  data = 0;


Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Python P2 Python Command line + exit Command

Python  P2   Python Command line + exit Command

Exit Syntax 
   exit Use to Stop Python Program

 means When You use Command Line Python At that time use exit() from Command.

How to Start Command line Python :

  1. Open terminal / CMD
  2. type python
  3.  your Command Line Python Open :)

Now type any python on it

look like ......

python>> [Your Command Here]

example :

$ python  
python>> print("hello MAC+tech")
hello MAC+tech

Intro Python P1 + Run Python 1st Program


It was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum .

use :

  1. web development (server-side)
  2. Data Mining And Analytics.  
  3. graphics 
  4. System S/w
  5. software development
  6. mathematics
  7. system scripting.
  8. AI Application
  9. Embedded Development  
 Some features :
  1. Python works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc).
  2. Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language.
  3. Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages.
  4. Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.
  5. Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-orientated way or a functional way.
 Let's Start...... :)  

Run Program


Here Command Python , file name is the any File Name..

Run  Steps :
  open Any Editor And Type  :
                                    print("Hello, MAC+tech Word!")

Save any name ex

Type python

O/U :
 Hello, MAC+tech Word!

create and activate a Python virtual environment on macOS and Windows

create and activate a Python virtual environment on macOS and Windows: Prerequisites: Python 3: Ensure you have Python 3 installed. You ca...